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  • Guidelines & Policies | Manus Oratorum

    COVID-19 General Procedures for Everyone on Campus ● Masks do not have to be worn outside if students are able to keep socially distant from one another. ● When indoors, masks must be worn when moving about throughout the building. ● Only those with a medical condition that prohibits the use of a mask may go without a mask. ● Every effort should be made to keep students as far apart as possible (or at least 6 feet). Procedures for Cleaning and Sanitizing ● We will use the spray and paper towels that the church prefers and provides. If we use the rooms inside, tables and plastic chairs must be sprayed and wiped. Rooms should be vacuumed. There is one cleaning supply closet on each floor. ● For bathrooms, the church has asked that we only empty the trash and wipe down the sinks. Unless there is an excessive mess, toilets doNOT need to be cleaned. Procedures for the Foundations/Essentials Programs ● Parents, please be attentive to your own students in regard to keeping masks on and social distancing. This is a great opportunity for lessons in considering others! Family Illness Policy Please inform your director if any Community attendee tests positive or receives a presumptive diagnosis of COVID within 2 weeks of attending Community. If a family member tests positive for COVID-19, the entire family will be asked to absent themselves from Community for 2 weeks. Please be on the lookout for other non-Covid illnesses that will inevitably manifest throughout the year. If any family member exhibits any of the following symptoms, the entire family should stay home until free of symptoms. • Fever above 100 degrees Fahrenheit • Lethargy, persistent crying, or appearance of illness • Signs of respiratory illness, such as uncontrolled coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or wheezing apart from chronic allergy or asthma symptoms • Diarrhea, such as loose or runny stools, a stool that runs out of a diaper, or a sick person who can’t get to the bathroom in time • Vomiting • Sore throat • New loss of taste or smell • Any sort of rash, especially when accompanied by a fever or behavior change We expect families to exercise greater caution this year, to minimize the possible spread of Covid-19. Travel Guidelines As of August 2020 there is travel advisory in effect for NJ. Please familiarize yourself with the recommendations. Each family is responsible for abiding by state health mandates. Please exercise caution after travelling and check the list of affected states regularly. Remember your decisions can impact the members of our community and other people who use the church after us on Wednesdays. Our hope is that these procedures will not be a distraction but will serve our Community in growing in consideration for others.Please make sure your student understands what is expected of him/her and be attentive in helping your own children follow the Guidelines. If you have a concern about a student not in compliance, please graciously talk to his/her parent. Please respect that some of our members have a health condition that limits use of a mask. For the majority of you who are able to wear a mask, we thank you for complying, despite the inconvenience. Prepare your heart for the possibility that someone may bring a gentle reminder about one of your children. Let’s practice the Biblical principle in Matthew 18:15, going to your brother and keeping it between just the two of you. GENERAL 。 Students are expected to attend ALL Mauns Club meetings unless given prior permission. 。 Parents are expected to attend ALL Manus Club meetings unless given prior permission. 。 Parents are expected to give feedback to Manus Club students during debate discussions, piranha attacks, and speech critique sessions. MANUS ORATORUM POLICIES Debate (LD and TP) Students: 。 All debate students must follow guidelines outlined in their respective debate groups. 。 Under no circumstance should any Manus Debate Club information be shared with anyone outside of the Manus Debate Club. This includes flows, briefs, case lists, etc. 。 No one may simultaneously be a member of another debate club while being a member of the Manus Debate Club. Special permission may be granted at the Manus Club Leader's discretion, 。Partnering with someone outside of Manus Debate Club for Team Policy must be preapproved by both Maus Club leader and the leader of the outside club. 。 Team Policy students are required to participate in the research ring unless given prior permission. ​ Speech Students: 。Manus Club members are responsible for writing their own speeches and practicing on their own time. 。 Students who are participating in the Apologetics group must follow guidelines outlined by the Apologetics group leader. 2020-2021 MANUS ORATORUM SPEECH & DEBATE CLUB GUIDELINES AND POLICIES

  • Tournament | Manus Oratorum

    TOURNAMENT NCFCA offers a number of tournament opportunities for students to hone their analytical and oratorical skills both online and onsite. Below are brief descriptions of the different types of tournaments / competitions in which a student may participate. ​ NCFCA hosts approximately 55 tournaments of various types across the country each season to eligible competitors. Regional (or District) Qualifying Tournament A regional or district qualifying tournament is a multi-day event open to eligible competitors within their region or district, (Manus Oratorum is in Region 10) and offers six preliminary rounds of debate, three preliminary rounds of speech, and elimination rounds for both speech and debate. Students advancing to elimination rounds earn an invitation to the Regional Championship. ​ National Qualifying Tournament A national qualifying tournament is a multi-day event open to eligible competitors from all regions that may include any combination of events, any of which offer full preliminary (six debate/ three speech) and elimination rounds. Students advancing to elimination rounds earn an invitation to their Regional Championship and top competitors in each event earn an invitation directly to the National Championship. ​ Club members should plan to compete in the Fall, Winter and Spring, 2020-2021 Affiliate with NCFCA Enroll In A Tournament

  • Speech & Debate (TP & LD) Rules | Manus Oratorum

    MANUS ORATORUM SPEECH & DEBATE (TEAM POLICY AND LINCOLN DOUGLAS) RULES These Guidelines may be revised from time to time. Please contact the Manus Club Leader with any questions regarding these Guidelines . What We Offer PLATFORM SPEECHES Speech depends all on what platform you choose to do throughout this year. Thus, teachers will discus rules with them. TEAM POLICY DEBATE The goal of the Manus Oratorum TP CLub is to provide a collaborative environment for our members where they can share case ideas, briefs, and flows for the duration of the debate season. To ensure that the club is efficient and fair, the following rules have been established. ​ General Club Rules: Everything we do in this group should glorify God. No club information (cases, briefs, flows, etc.) may be shared outside of the Manus TP Club. A team may trade/lend its own research club briefs with others outside of the club, but they cannot include any other member’s research in that brief, unless they have the prior permission of that other member. No Manus team may run a surprise case against another Manus team at a tournament. If a Manus team decides to change its case, the team MUST notify all the members of the club of the new case at least one week before the upcoming torment. Special expectations may be granted by the TP Coordinator. A member may not write a brief or give/trade a brief with a non-Manus member on a case that a Manus team is running. Flows of the 1AC for every round that you debated must be posted within one week after the end of tournament/round robin. Do not worry if your flow isn't perfect; post it anyway. Helpful tip: Flow the 1AC during the affirmative team's last speech (and your team's last speech) to ensure that you write down the tags and any important article titles/information. All members and briefs must comply with NCFCA ethics guidelines. Special exceptions/amendments may be made to any of these guidelines by the TP Coordinator. Research Briefs: Each team will pick one brief, approved by the TP Coordinator, to work on before most Round Robins and Tournaments. Each team will write a unique brief. Two teams may not collaborate to Write a longe version of the same brief OR Write two briefs on the same case. In some rare cases, a team may write two smaller briefs totaling the minimum page of card requirement. You must first get permission from the TP Coordinator to do so. All research club briefs adhere TP the Brief Writing Guidelines. Turning Briefs In: Generally, half-way towards the deadline, teams turn in what they have found so far (to the TP Coordinator via email) This is to help each team be accountable and to ensure the deadlines is met. The TP Coordinator reserves the right to reject evidence that he/she thinks is not credible. Deadlines for briefs will generally be one week prior to the upcoming tournament/round robin. When the brief is completed, it should be emailed to the TP Coordinator. Once the TP Coordinator approves all of the briefs, they will be sent out in an email to all who participated. If a team does not send in a brief by the deadline given, that team will not get ANY of the brief from the other members. Other members may not give out research club briefs to the team who did not contribute for that time period. ​ LINCOLN DOUGLAS DEBATE Currently this year we do not have any competing LD students. However, if you are interested in learning about the rules please contact us!

  • Testimony | Manus Oratorum

    Write a Testimonial First Name Last Name Email Are you... A Student A Teacher A Parent Not Part Of The Club Instructions: write a couple of sentences about how manus oratorum has helped you, spiritually, or rather speech or debate. Testimony: Can we add a photo of you? Yes No Before you submit, please know that your answer will be posted on our website! I'm not a robot Submit Testimony Thank you for submitting!

  • What We Offer | Manus Oratorum

    WHAT MANUS OFFERS To learn about Manus Oratorum Speech & Debate Club Policies go to "More" on top of our page for info. PLATFORM SPEECHES Manus teaches the following: Informative, Persuasive, and Digital Presentation For the 2020 season, NCFCA will offer ten speech events which are divided into three main categories: Platform, Interpretation, and Limited Preparation Speeches. Each of these categories offers distinct opportunities for students to develop their communication skills. TEAM POLICY DEBATE The 2021 Team Policy Resolution: Resolved: The European Union should substantially reform its immigration policy. The goal of the Manus Oratorum TP Club is to provide a collaborative environment for our members whre they can share cases ideas, briefs, and flows for the duration of the debate season. To ensure that the club is efficeint and fair- please check out "Speech & Debate (TP & LD) Rules" During a round of Team Policy Debate, a team of two debaters will advocate the resolution by proposing a specific plan to accomplish the goal stated in the resolution while another team of two debaters will oppose the topic. LINCOLN DOUGLAS DEBATE The Lincoln-Douglas debate format is one-on-one debating, named after the famous debates between Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. The goal of the Manus Oratorum LD Club is to provide a collaborative environment for our members whre they can share cases ideas, briefs, and flows for the duration of the debate season. To ensure that the club is efficeint and fair- please check out "Speech & Debate (TP & LD) Rules" Lincoln-Douglas debate resolutions are constructed to create a clash of competing values rather than the adoption of a specific policy. Speech & Debate (TP & LD) Rules

  • The Manus Gallery | Manus Oratorum

    The Manus Gallery Manus Oratorum Logo Debate Time Connecticut Tournament, January 2020 Connecticut Tournament, January 2020 Open House | 2020 Connecticut | 2020 Our Instagram Follow Us And Get Manus Annoucments!

  • Speech And Debate Club | Manus Oratorum | New Jersey

    Welcome! Improve your critical thinking, public speaking and research skills! Teaching and guiding students for His will. ABOut Us The Manus Oratorum Speech & Debate Club is a Christian speech and debate club formed to serve the members of National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA) in central New Jersey. The objective of the Manus Oratorum Club is to support our students in developing and enhancing their communication skills. We do this by participating in NCFCA and competing at local, regional, and national tournaments. Teaching students skill so they are ready to compete at NCFCA. We are a part of Region 10. History Of Manus Policy & Guidelines What We Offer We expect students to hold a standard of excellence in all that they do in a manner that glorifies God. Friendships Made Competitor "Although I was only with manus for a few months, my life has truly changed from it. I still have a lot to learn but I feel much more confident when structuring a speech! I built amazing friendships and ones that I still uphold today even though I’ve moved across the world :)" Skills Strengthened Competitor/Student Leader “Manus Oratorum has really pushed me in my faith & speech skills. It has taught me to be on time with researching (debate) and grow in my speaking skills. This whole journey is character building and life changing. I am so grateful for the push from my piers.” ​ How Public Speaking Has Impacted My Life Competitor "Speech and Debate has allowed me to think creativity, it’s given me critical thinking skills, Manus has instilled leadership qualities in me, and promoted professionalism. Qualities which are very valuable for debating my religion and upholding my standards and beliefs. I’m excited to be apart of this great team and look forward to a bright future with them!" Got a testimony? Manus can not wait to here it! Leave a message on our chat box, Instagram, email address or here to be added to our stream. Fill In Your Testomy Meeting dates & Location Manus Oratorum Club gets together weekly on Wednesday. From 4pm.-6pm. we meet. ​ Please note things may change in the future. Contact us for any questions you may have about our meeting dates. Email Us Immanuel Bible Church, 1244 W Farms Rd, Howell Township, NJ 07731 2020-2021 Club Schedule 4:00-6:00pm. 15 minutes of Club Announcements (students and parents) 1 hour and 45 minutes of Debate:TP & LD and Speech/ Juniors Please note things may change in the future. Contact us for any questions you may have about our meeting dates. Manus Calender

  • More About Us | Manus Oratorum

    About Us Learn. Speak. Teach. HISTORY OF MANUS: Manus Oratorum has been here in NJ for more than 11 years! It was founded by the Au family in Highland Park. The name was brought up by Mrs. Au. She taught Latin, thus Manus Oratorum means "A band (group) of orators" ​ *(NCFCA is an organization committed to training Christian high school students to address life issues in a manner that glorifies God and ultimately preparing our students to shape our culture and impact people for Christ) NCFCA

  • Curriculum | Manus Oratorum

    CURRICULUM Monument Publishing Monument Publishing is leading publisher of source material or students, competitors, teachers and coaches of speech and debate. Since 1998 they have published bestselling curriculum and source book material. Their team of coaches educators have a central purpose: to make academic speech and debate simple and successful. Monument Publishing Website Link

  • Schedule Manus Oratorum

    Schedule Please note meeting dates and other events maybe rescheduled.

  • | Manus Oratorum

    Attention! Club Registration Is Closed For This 2020-2021 Season. *We are closed with registering and will resume in the fall of 2021.* Please check out: COVID19 POLICY

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