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To learn about Manus Oratorum Speech & Debate Club Policies go to "More" on top of our page for info. 

Duo | Open House 2020 | NCFCA
Team Policy Debate | NCFCA |
Debate Photo | NCFCA


Manus teaches the following:
Informative, Persuasive, and Digital Presentation


For the 2020 season, NCFCA will offer ten speech events which are divided into three main categories: Platform, Interpretation, and Limited Preparation Speeches. Each of these categories offers distinct opportunities for students to develop their communication skills.


The 2021 Team Policy Resolution:
Resolved: The European Union should substantially reform its immigration policy.

The goal of the Manus Oratorum TP Club is to provide a collaborative environment for our members whre they can share cases ideas, briefs, and flows for the duration of the debate season. To ensure that the club is efficeint and fair- please check out "Speech & Debate (TP & LD) Rules" 

During a round of Team Policy Debate, a team of two debaters will advocate the resolution by proposing a specific plan to accomplish the goal stated in the resolution while another team of two debaters will oppose the topic.


The Lincoln-Douglas debate format is one-on-one debating, named after the famous debates between Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln.

The goal of the Manus Oratorum LD Club is to provide a collaborative environment for our members whre they can share cases ideas, briefs, and flows for the duration of the debate season. To ensure that the club is efficeint and fair- please check out "Speech & Debate (TP & LD) Rules" 

Lincoln-Douglas debate resolutions are constructed to create a clash of competing values rather than the adoption of a specific policy.

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